Color is an amazing thing. We relish its vibrancy, its intensity. Our bodies respond to color,
affecting our emotions and sometimes how we perceive the world. The attributes of paint
allow us to explore one color in relation to another. Discoveries we make as we use the
brush to push paint around our canvas provide lessons in harmony, balance, and
relationships. Painting is rewarding and challenging. May the lessons continue
as we explore our world of color.

Friday, December 12, 2014

"JAZZ TRUMPETER"   11 x 14   Acrylic
Taking on the challenge of painting faces is a new experience, but this one turned out with the drama that I was striving for. Any musician knows of the intensity of the moment, of the music, and of being in-the-groove. It was fun to change the perspective of looking up at this musician to bolster the composition. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, December 8, 2014

"READY TO STRUM"   8 x 10   Acrylic
Music is available in a variety of ways—from singing to playing an assortment of instruments. This red guitar caught my eye as a reminder of many young people (and not-so-young), who have taken up this instrument and discovered the joy of making music. It's easy to carry around and to pluck out a tune. The contrast of red against the black emphasizes the color of the subject.

Monday, December 1, 2014

"BOVINE BOREDOM"   11 x 14   Acrylic

 Cows have it pretty easy. They eat and they graze and they mosey around the pasture and then lie down to snooze. This heifer here is trying to decide which she wants to do first. It was a fun painting to do, capturing the moment before leaving the barn. The "negative space" of black background adds to the drama before she enters the world for the day..

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"COTTAGE WINDOWS"   8 x 10   Acrylic
Some folks like "palatial and grand," but I prefer "cozy." This little cottage represents cozy. A house does not need an expansive entrance to make it a home, and this painting depicts a portion of a small dwelling that looks out to an enchanting garden. The abundant vines surround the windows like a necklace casting shadows on the unpretentious domain.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"QUARTER HORSE TRIO"  11 x 14   Acrylic

This painting preserves some of my memories of my equine friends. I watched the sorrel mare (on left) being born, and she went on to become dam to the colt on the right. The filly in the middle is half-sister to the mare and an aunt to the colt. As I painted this, my nostalgic thoughts almost brought the fragrance of their horseflesh and the aroma of the hay from years gone by. All three served me well and I miss them. Now a question for you: Do three Quarter horses make three-quarters of a horse?

Friday, November 14, 2014

KASHA Debut   8 x 10  Acrylic

Softening the edges and adding more light from above provides Kasha with a softer look. She's a spunky little watch-dog, and it was fun to try to capture her essence. She loves her red sweater, especially during these cold days and nights. I hope you don't mind the transition of some of my recent paintings, but there's always something to learn from each endeavor.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"KASHA in Process"   8 x 10   Acrylic
This little painting is still a work-in-progress. She is a neighbor dog who is petite in size and smaller in build than this illustration demonstrates. I still need to rework the hair and lighten some areas, maybe adding a softened glow from above. She loves her little red jacket and is quite a character.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"THE HILLS BECKON"    11x14   Acrylic
This painting was fun to do mainly because there is some whimsy in the perspective and relationship of size in some of the features in the scene. Do you notice the small buildings in the middle ground? I like the color splash and contrast of tones and some of the geometric shapes overall. The effort to paint "loose" is still a challenge, and each painting allows for more experimentation.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Experimenting with oils again, it was fun to do an Abstract after a long spell from the genre. My mood that day was to splash on a burst of color and make it Bold! This is very contemporary compared to my usual paintings, and I have a lot to learn about the relationships of form and color and composition.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The previous painting needed a little work on touching up some areas, so here is an updated view. Can you note the differences? They are not remarkable, but hopefully improve the composition and realism.

Friday, October 17, 2014

GEORGIAN BAY    11 x 14   Acrylic
A favorite campsite is just to the right of this scene. The sand and varied rocks are a special contrast to the blue waters and surrounding forest. This particular day is rather cloudy, but on occasion the bright sunshine heats up the sand nicely. No beachcombers today.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

WAITING FOR THE MASTER   5 x 7   Acrylic

Anyone who has owned a pet knows the loyalty and devotion of that animal. It's rewarding to come home at the end of a day and be greeted by one or several happy animals who are delighted to see you again. We go through rituals in the greeting process, and the scenario uplifts our spirits because of the furry welcoming committee. This painting is a memorial to our furry buddies.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

OWL  EYES   5 x 7   Acrylic

Returning to the animal faces series, this little owl was fun to paint, with expression and textures. The subject is small enough to fit in your hand, but he appears bigger than he really is when he fills the canvas. I'm finding that, for the time being, painting animals is more enjoyable than the landscape scene or still life subject.

Friday, September 26, 2014

AUTUMN GALA   11 x 14  Acrylic
It's THAT time of year when the leaves change color with the touch of frost. I tried a more relaxed approach to the forms and shapes on this painting, using a bigger brush, but I'm not quite able to get the effect I want. I like the contrasts of deep woods shadows versus the leaves catching the sunshine, laid against the background of the blue mountains. You may see an update on this selection later on.

Monday, September 8, 2014

GRASSLANDS    12 x 24    Acrylic
Many of us enjoy "wide open spaces" and when we venture upon a scene that allows the eye to view miles in the distance, it satisfies our longings for space. I debated on whether to add a herd of buffalo or cattle or antelope to the scene, but even if they are not visible at this point, we know they are grazing just over the next hill. The dimensions on this painting add to the horizontal vista.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

OWLET    8 x 10     Acrylic
Young birds are appealing and this little owlet carries an expression due to what he is seeing. It could be an approaching cat or possibly another owl who has returned to the tree with a choice morsel of food. Whatever the reason, this painting is an addition to the series of animal faces recently portrayed. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, August 29, 2014

INQUISITIVE GIRAFFE   8 x 10   Acrylic
This fellow is part of the series of animal faces. His anatomy is unusual, but many people are attracted by the expression of the eyes. Another experiment in painting something unusual. I like the overhead back-light effect and his gaze at us.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

PELICAN SOLITUDE   8 x 10   Acrylic

 This was originally planned to be a study in black-and-white, but I discovered many colors in the bird's plumage and beak and resting site. Pelicans are interesting birds, appearing to be rather ungainly until they take to the skies. It's a good experience to be painting something other than the usual subject.

Monday, August 18, 2014

EQUINE SOUL   8 x 10   Acrylic
Horses are beautiful from every angle. Instead of capturing the full face, I focused on the eyes, as this filly gazes hopefully at me that I am bringing her a bucket of grain. We owe much to the horse, not only in our progress through history, but to their willingness to serve in many capacities. It is special when we can cultivate a close bond with their souls.

Friday, August 15, 2014

BEAR FACE #2   8 x 10  Acrylic

This is the second in a series of animal faces I am painting. The intent was to capture this guy with a suspicious glance on his face peering at the painting of Bear #1, as if there was a little drama going on. It's fun to dabble in whimsy once in awhile, and these two paintings could be speculated upon regarding their interaction. What do YOU say?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

BEAR FACE    8 x 10   Acrylic
For a touch of whimsy, I chose to paint some close-ups of animals. This painting has a bit of stylistic effect on it and was fun to do. His expression makes him appear as if "Brer Bear" is in contemplation...or in a dilemma.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ROCK and FLOWERS   8 x 10   Acrylic
An intrusive rock adds drama to a corner of the garden, and this landscaping area is a cozy corner with many varied textures. Flowers come and go, but the rock and posts solidify the stability of the setting. A splash of red now will soon be changed to the oranges and yellows of late summer.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Several suggestions were to add streams of sunshine to the illustration of the garden path. I am not certain this was the right move, but it was fun to experiment. Painting is all about capturing the light and there is still much, much more to learn.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

"GARDEN PATH"  11 x 14   Acrylic
This painting is a continuation of my series of pathways and it has much detail in it via the varieties of flowers. I debated on putting shafts of sunlight streaking from the left side of the illustration. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"BIRCH  MORN"   12 x 24   Acrylic
Birch trees are striking in their contrast from the surrounding forest. This painting is slightly stylized to emphasize the characteristics of our lovely birches. It was fun to capture a bit of the texture of the bark by slapping on the paint with a palette knife. I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

"EWE TRIO"   11 x 14   Acrylic

Monochromatic colors are appealing, and this scene benefits from the highlights on the sheep. Humankind has been likened to sheep, in our tendency to follow a leader—any leader, whether with right principles or not. We make a choice on which leader by the fruits.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

"ASSESSING THE MOMENT"   12 x 24  Acrylic
 This painting captures the moment when cat sizes up the bird and its location—and vice versa. Pepper loved to watch the activities surrounding the birdhouse, but had an attitude of live-and-let-live. The actual birdhouse was on a longer pole, but I shortened it for the drama of the painting.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"NO LIMIT"   8 x 10   Acrylic


A little boy with arms outstretched facing the wide ocean represents all the unlimited potential in a young life. Children view possibilities all around them. This young man might some day challenge huge forces that others claim is impossible. The painting used three main colors and was fun to apply.

Friday, May 16, 2014

"EARLY MORN"   11 x 14   Acrylic
This lakeside setting attracted me by the abstract quality of the composition. An approaching storm-cloud with its accompanying breeze might ruffle the water into dramatic waves, but for the time being, all is still.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

"PADDLING UPRIVER"   11 x 14   Acrylic
Two canoeists eagerly paddle in the still of the forest in this latest painting. The only sounds are the splash of water and the occasional song of a bird. It's taken me awhile to get back into a 'painting mode' but there is always so much to learn from each illustration that I cannot let opportunities pass by.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

"MUSTANG"   11 x 14   Oil
 Still experimenting with oil paints (versus acrylic), this illustration was completed in less than an hour. It may beg for more detail, but the attitude and pose bring precious memories of a sturdy horse who gave his heart for me in mountains and seashore and all trails in-between.

Monday, April 21, 2014

This oil painting is finally completed, allowing for more 'weight' to be placed on the right side of the illustration. Note the darker blue water, the birds in the sky, and more burnt sienna color in the shadow of the rocks on the right side. A good composition needs balance and harmony and I hope this updated version fits the bill. Make comparison with the painting posted on April 15.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"KILLBEAR ROCKS"   16 x 20   Oil

This site commemorates the area of many pleasant days of summer over the years. The rough texture of the rocks, the gritty sand beneath your feet, the whisper of wind in the trees, and the splash of the waters of Georgian Bay were all refreshing. Painting the rocks was a challenge only because of shifting from more shadows back to more sunlight. There may be a few changes yet to take place.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

NOAH'S ARK   16 x 20
A request was made to supply some paintings to fill a big wall in the Mother's Room of our Temple. It is a challenge to select appropriate characters and present them in illustration for young minds. Noah's Ark should be readily recognized by young and old alike. Perhaps there will be another illustration to join this one in a potential series for that particular wall.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's fun to do vertical paintings, and a waterfall seems the natural subject for this dimension. The contrasting colors create a subjective mood. Hopefully you feel a chill in the air and hear the splash of water as it cascades on the boulders.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ABSTRACT 'SLOPE'   11 x 14
 This long winter is causing a lull in the desire to paint, but splashing around with bright colors helps a bit. The good point in an abstract is that different folks envision different things. I like the color combination that resembles something of a popsicle, but missing the lime green—ha! You'll notice that recent paintings have appeared faded—that was because of my dying camera. A new camera is available and hopefully future paintings will not appear so washed-out. Thank you for your patience.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"BOKEH FLOWERS"   8 x 10
 The word "bokeh" is NOT misspelled for 'bouquet,' rather it signifies the blur in an out-of-focus area of an image in photography. Bokeh is popular with certain photographers, and I experimented with painting the effect by zeroing in on a small area of that blur. Paint is unable to produce the effect that the camera does, with levels of transparency, and the effect leaves me with seeing (without my glasses) a garden full of flowers or through a kaleidoscope. Ha!

Friday, March 14, 2014

BARNYARD   16 x 20

 There's something special about an old barn. The scent of hay and horses, the creak of old timbers, and the familiar nooks and crannies of the interior reminds us of an earlier era. This was our barn in Idaho, but I changed the surrounding scenery somewhat. My camera is dying and thus failed to reproduce the colors properly.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

BIRCHES, NUMBER 2   12 x 24
An earlier painting of two birch trees was purchased by a friend, so I am experimenting with a slightly altered version to replace on my wall, the earlier one. Sometimes painting a picture is like trying to compose a story—the characters seems to have a 'mind of their own' and insist on going their own way despite the creator or originator of the product. Ha!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A postcard photo captured this scene and gave opportunity to explore with brush and paint, using the contrasting effect of night and reflections.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

"UNSETTLED"   11 x 14
Balmy skies are disappearing under fast-moving clouds and the wind is whipping the grasses in this beach scene. I like the light and shadow effect, and the simple approach to a familiar locale.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"PIANO KEYS"   8 x 10

A close-up of a familiar instrument provides the illusion of piano keys. They are not carefully rendered and appear dusty and old, which is the effect I was searching for. Hopefully it will bring memories for some pianist and possibly cause them to dig out the music and return to the keyboard to refresh the delight of resonant chords.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"TULIP GARDEN"   8 x 10
This abstract is based on an earlier one, because of the repetitive forms and shapes in relation to another. I like the color scheme and the soft edges. Its range of colors is wide enough to allow it to be in almost any room with whatever color scheme.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"HORSE WHISPERS"   11 x 14
Equine form is special—from the shape of the head to the curve of the crest, to the grace of its action in its gait. This horse is attentive to some small noise behind it, and poses gracefully to locate the source. The idea was to have him in his stall at night, but I feared going too dark with the shadows. Small changes may be in the offing at some future time.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

'HEAT'   8 x 10

 Abstract painting can be very fluid and open to unexpected happenings. Perhaps I should have named this painting "Armageddon," for its forceful colors and suggestive implications. The viewer may see other possibilities in the shapes and relations of one color with another.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A more stylistic approach to a common subject, this still life is dramatized by the elongated dimensions of the canvas. It was fun to do, but as always, one never feels as if a painting is completed...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"GOLDEN HILLS"   8 x 10

This painting began as a monochromatic exercise, but altered itself along the way. The scene is a reminder of many peaceful times spent in the quiet hills in the cool of the evening.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Walking in the northern forest in the Fall, a hiker must be aware of the surroundings. The risk of running into bears or moose can be a risk. This fellow appears to be waiting behind the small tree as we round the bend in the trail. The vertical canvas adds drama to the scene.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


 The thirst for color is greatly needed in a world surrounded by white snow during the winter-time. This abstract suggests colorful scarves flowing in a warm breeze, prompted by the need for a warmer climate. Or do you see something else it represents? The skill for abstraction is greatly wanting, and needs refreshing, bolstering, a boost for energetic motion.

Monday, January 13, 2014


The drama of a waterfall is accentuated by the peering over the edge, and perhaps by the vertical canvas. It was fun to do this painting. Can you hear the roar of the water as it cascades to the rocks below?