Color is an amazing thing. We relish its vibrancy, its intensity. Our bodies respond to color,
affecting our emotions and sometimes how we perceive the world. The attributes of paint
allow us to explore one color in relation to another. Discoveries we make as we use the
brush to push paint around our canvas provide lessons in harmony, balance, and
relationships. Painting is rewarding and challenging. May the lessons continue
as we explore our world of color.

Friday, August 30, 2013

BARNYARD   12 x 16
There's something about an old barn that attracts us to explore and to wonder about earlier days and the activities that surrounded the site. Broken-down fencing speaks of earlier livestock enclosed, and the semi-open doors may harbor leather harness, horseshoes, or straw bales inside. Hang around until sundown and you might hear the coyotes howl.

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